Accelerated Asphalt Road Construction for Engineers and Owners

Accelerated Asphalt Road Construction for Engineers and Owners

NAPA Store

David Newcomb, P.E., PhD, Jason Latiolais, Stephen Heraty, P.E.

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Published: 11/10/2020

Asphalt pavements are quick to construct, but this traditional wisdom has rarely been quantified — until recently. Using a case study, learn how researchers quantify speed of construction with user costs and local business impacts and learn also from a contractor on how asphalt’s speed of construction was a winning component to their bid. Agencies can gain a more holistic view of the total economic impact of a construction project. This analysis helps the agency make an informed decision surrounding the economic and construction costs associated with large pavement projects. What attendees will learn: 1. Contractors’ strategies for accelerating asphalt road construction. 2. The importance of accelerated asphalt road construction for the future of the U.S. infrastructure. 3. How agencies and contractors have worked together to get the most out of time spent in work zones.